Perfect Peace
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you…
Isaiah 26:3
A Prayer:
Elohim – Lead us into all truth. Let your love and faithfulness bring us to repentance before you our holy and righteous Adonai. We see that these times are precarious to an extent but we know that you call us to love one another and speak the truth in love. Ruach HaKodesh show us the way that is narrow, turn us from the broad road help us to have eyes to see and ears to hear. This world is not our home and these things are only temporal. Help us to realize the truth in this, that our lives here are but a vapor (James 4:14) and that we do reap what we sow whether it be a harvest or righteousness and goodness or evil (Galatians 6:7). Let us be overtaken overwhelmed by your presence Yahwah, may your name be praised forever. In the name of Yashua HaMashiach (Christ our Lord and Savior). Selah…