The following are references to what is known as the apocrypha text. Historically, these are considered extra-biblical text and are included in some Christian Bibles and not others.
1 Esdras
2 Esdras
The rest of Esther
The Wisdom of Solomon
Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah
The Songs of the 3 Holy children
The history of Susana
bel and the dragon
The prayer for Manasses
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
Books of Adam
The books of Adam are documented chronologies of Adam and Eve’s creation and life after the fall. There is significant debate about these texts from scholars and theologians.
The Lost Books of the Bible
The lost books of the Bible are found in the books of the Apostolic Fathers. The Apostolic Fathers were Christian theologians who lived in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, who are believed to have personally known some of the Twelve Apostles, or to have been significantly influenced by them.[1] Their writings, though popular in Early Christianity, were ultimately not included in the canon of the New Testament once it reached its final form. Many of the writings derive from the same time period and geographical location as other works of early Christian literature that did come to be part of the New Testament, and some of the writings found among the Apostolic Fathers' seem to have been just as highly regarded as some of the writings that became the New Testament.
The Protevangelion
The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa
The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate)
The Apostles' Creed (throughout history)
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul
The Epistles of Clement (The First and Second Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians)
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans
The Shepherd of Hermas (Visions, Commands, and Similitudes)
Letter of Herod To Pilate the Governor
Letter of Pilate to Herod
The Lost Gospel of Peter
The Forgotten Books of Eden
The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (The First and Second Book of Adam and Eve)
The Secrets of Enoch (also known as the Slavonic Enoch or Second Enoch)
The Odes of Solomon
the book of enoch
Considered a Apocryphal/Pseudepigrapha text by Catholics and some Protestants christian churches and canonical text by others. Aside from the fact that Enoch is reference in the canonical bible in 11 different passages (OT and NT) and specifically mentioned in Hebrews 11:5 (in the “Hall of Faith”). Needless to state, there is a long standing history of debate regarding where this book in particular fits into the chronology of scripture.